International Mothers Day.their importance in goal pursuits.
I celebrate all mother's for the feet and height they have attain,their goals of motherhood and other personal goals they have achieved.also for been part of every goals achieved worldwide.someone would be asking,how?yes,for the fact that you are given birth to, is a starter of every goals or dreams or aspirations,you have inside.think about it,what about if they had decided to abort you,will you be existing today?whether good or bad,you can't take away mothers,in all goals achieved,because they contributed their own quota in it.mothers prayers goes a long way for their children.when the cold gets colder,the hot hotter, mother's are their to stay.when sickness come ravaging and hunger come striking,mother's are their to stay.they wrap you in their arm,they hold you so tight,they never let you fall no matter what it takes.mothers are indeed one in a million and a rare gem to find.pls give a shout out to all mothers in the world.please threat mothers well.
