There is this voice inwardly, that we always listen to,whenever its speaks,it springs into action when we less expect it,and it has being in active existence,even before we were created. We must know the potency of this voice will are dealing with. This voice is responsible for every;Discouragement, Inferiority complex, Self worthlessness,Fear, Deception,Addictions etc,that we face in our journey of life (purpose). Adhering to this sweet deadly voice, leads to total failure. No one can deniel the fact that he or she have never encountered this voice,in the journey of life(purpose). This voice starts its operations,right from the moment you can differentiate between good and bad. Imagine how little one would be.that is why we have most little children living wrong lives and laying wrong foundations, because it is due to the fact that,they have being captured by this voice. This voice is not a respecter of status,size, positions, accolades,etc it speaks when it ...