How do I live above rejection even when I don't deserve it.

Many in the pursuit of purpose have faced the possibility of rejection, as easy as the name, rejection sounds,the experience is not what one would wish for his fellow.those who have gone through this can attest to it. Even Jesus had to suffer rejection and till date many are still rejecting Him by rejecting the gospel. You must understand that,there is no pain more personal than the pain of rejection, especially if are the innocent party,which is you can experience rejection,even if you did nothing  to deserve it. Those who way or the other violate laws and orders,are rejected by society and incarcerated and they too feels and plead to be reconsidered. How much more those that do not deserve it but yet suffers it. Now what should one do,when faced with this.let me take you through a true life story.
 From 1965 to 1982, Wheaton College (Illinois) had Dr. Hudson Armerding as their president. At one point in time during his tenure as president,a particular crisis arose at the college based on prejudice.and he was faced with the decision of how it should be handled.such a problem would be a challenge for anyone in his position.but this situation he faced, presented a long term financial nature.
Some of the college's largest financial donors have been visiting the campus and noticed that some of the male students were wearing their unusually long and even keeping facial beards. This brought about  such a breach of Christian decorum in the minds of the donors,that they made it known to Dr. Armerding that,unless the problem was corrected,they would consider withdrawing their financial support from the college as some had already done.
 This news had circulated among the student body,and Dr. Armerding made plans to address the situation at a meeting of the student body in the college chapel. After explaining the problem to the students,Dr. Armerding looked out over the student body,his eyes falling on young man whom he knew by name. He called him and said, I want you to come and join me up here on this platform,of which he did with a little reluctant behaviour. They stood together and one could differential between a decent and rugged looks.
Dr. Armerding said,young man,you have long hair and long beard,it represents the very thing the supporters of our college are against. If they will reject you,bear in mind that the administration of this school does not feel the way they do. We accept and love you. The president then stretched out his arm and wrapped them around the young man, drawing him close to himself. And they all jumped up with great happiness and shouts and applause for the college president from a different generation who refuse to reject his students at any price.
Wow,a strong case of rejection,turned out well for a group of students,thanks to the demonstration of unconditional love of a godly president. Do not allow rejection gets into when you are faced with it,though it's hard but it is possible. Remember there's always someone,somewhere that will accept every thing about you. Rejection doesn't worth it.

                              #Stay safe#Good hygiene#pray for the world#Covid19 ends soon.


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