Three Powerful Shield against Fear.

 Fear,have been a secret weapon in disguise of the enemy against our purpose(Goals).check it out,in the midst of every challenges,addiction,suffering,sickness,and death situation,is the weapon called fear. It kills faster than any killer disease. Fear is implanted in us,but it is not by God. That is why it is written that,God have not given us the spirit of fear but of Power,Love and sound mind.  Of which they stand as a shield to counter attack fear and send it back to its origin.
  The three shield against fear.
 During creation,man was  endowed with this wonderful feature called power and it is a proof of our dominion over the earth and the things there in.God knew the essence of it that is why he gave us in full capacity. Along the line we lost it and still, we got it back but this time in a more greater capacity ,and at the same time reminding us that power have  been giving to us before time to subdue anything including fear. Now take out Power from the military, politicians,any offices you are holding and see how vulnerable  they will become. Any man in power is always bold and commanding,fears nothing. So fear cannot withstand one with power.
  Love doesn't sound strong to combat fear,but it is the greatest of all laws. Love is in the centre of all great happenings on earth,both in the Bible days and our present time. You can't take away love from our pursuits of purpose. It was out of love, Jesus purpose to save mankind was fulfilled.when you love someone genuinely,you can go to any length in rendering help or support whenever it is needed without minding the consequences,even dreaded once. I have seen people give kidney and other life saving assistance to people,without thinking what happens after. This is love over fear. God was indeed in His right frame of mind when He gave us love(Jesus),knowing that fear cannot overcome Love(Jesus).
  *Sound mind
The greatest or strongest battlefield is not physical ground but of the mind. Fear starts from your mind,if your mind is conquered by fear then it is captured. The enemy of your purpose(goals) is contending for your mind. The mind is so powerful that if it has issues,it will reflect all over your being. That is why a merry heart doth good than medicine. If your mind is solidify,fear can't crip in,rather it will stay has been proven that people with good state of mind,stay healthy and live longer .
So guide your purpose(goals) and your life with this three powerful shield against fear and your fulfilment will be certain.


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