Feed your Purpose(goals).

Feed your purpose(goals).
One may be asking, how would one feed his or her goals(purpose)? What are the things to feed it with? Why must you feed your goal, are purpose humans?.
 One thing one needs to understand is that your purpose is actually you, your person, yourself, the reason why you are existing. This same way you feed your stomach and take care of your whole body is the same way you feed and take care of your purpose. Because your purpose defines you. If you starve it, definitely you are in for a sudden collision. Every human who does not feed well suffers malnutrition, which can lead to various ailment or deaths. So you must go an extra mile to feed it matter what.let's take the hen as a case study.
The hen, hashes it eggs and from that period makes it, a goal to see them grow and mature until the children find their various ways.
Whenever the hen goes for food hurting, right from the dawn of the day to the dusk of it. The hen gathers for the little chicks and goes starving just for the chicks to eat to satisfaction. It can move from both far and near still for the chicks to have what to feed on. The mama hen can fight the largest hawk just for the safety of its chicks. I would recommend you study the hen.
You are the Hen and your purpose is your little chicks, you feed it into maturity, then fulfilment.
Mind you, it is what you put into it, that is what you will get back. So you must feed your goals(purpose) less, it's not going to be a happy ending.


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