Life itself is a risk.

 Take a deep breath,and think about how bridges are built,without the  risks of deaths or other casualties.
Think about how sky buildings in mega cities are been built and maintained, with the  risks of deaths and other casualties.
Think about the air craft that we fly,without the risk of crashing.

Think about the buildings that we live in,without the risk of collapsing or having other casualties as well.
Think about the vehicles we move around with,without the risks of having automobile accident.
Think about the ship,boat and others that we cruise around with, without the risk of capsizing or wreckingor sinking.
Think about the  cooking aids in your kitchen,without the risk of fire out break.
Think about the food,water,fruits etc,that we take in without the risk of poisoning.
Think about the road or bush paths,you walk or trek through,without out the risk of ambushment.
Think about the swimming one does, without the risk of drowning.
     Life, you and I know and live,is indeed a is your goals.some one said "if I perish,I perish.another said
 If you dare nothing,then when the day is over,nothing is all you will have gained.and other said.
The struggles we endure today will be the ‘good old days’ we laugh about tomorrow.and other said.
maybe sometimes it's riskier not to take a risk. Sometimes all you're guaranteeing is that things will stay the same.and an other said.
From this point forward, you don’t even know how to quit in life.
As a goal getter,risk taking is a must.because every  hurdles that will come your way lies a risky decision to take towards it.face it and move to the next faze or leave it and be stock.remember,life itself will not give you what you wants in the journey of purpose,you need  to risk everything life throws at you,because it is a risk not to take risk.
                                 *Self isolation
                                  *Maintain good hygiene
                                  *Adhere to Govt instructions
                                   *For the World*have your goals in mind*Covid ends soon.


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