Tolerance,a tool in accomplishing your goals.

This got me into a deep thought,andi kept asking myself these questions.does everybody need to believe on your goals,your dreams,what you believe or what you do?no I don't think so,because is not everyone that will believe.with my experience,one would have different categories of people around,whose job,is to discourage.some will pretend supporting you but actually,they are mocking.some will sweet talk you like encouragement,but are slandering you behind.while some will show and say their negative mind toward.there are a whole lots of different categories I can't mention right now.some can even talk you out of your goals and make you look stupid and feel that,you've been wasting your time ever since.when in actual fact,they dont know anything about your pursuits,the work you put in ,your sweat, tears,blood,pains, anxiety,faith.then what will one do in this state?this is where Tolerance is engaged.though it's not easy,but you have to make it a lifestyle.if not,pressure will overwhelm you in your can't just start exhibiting tolerance,you gradually build can make those goals terminators look useless, irrelevant and,don't

just waste time,start building your is a weapon.


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