Power of sacrifice

Oskar Schindler 1908 was a German industrialist who spent the early years of his adult life going from one business venture and to another, eventually going bankrupt due to worldwide effects of the great depression. In 1939 he became a member of the Nazi party,using it as a way of profit from the industrialization of the emerging Nazi war machine.
Gaining access to a factory through a German bankruptcy court ,he was given control over a thousand Jewish slave labourers to work in the factory.
 His business prospered,and he became a wealthy member of the German Nazi social and political circuit. But as his lifestyle changed,so did his heart,that is purpose activated. He began to develop feeling for the people who were killed by the tens of thousands by the Nazis. And a special attachment to the thousand or more who worked for him.
 When it became obvious that German positions are weakening, Schindler accomplished the impossible :he obtain permission from Nazi authorities to move his factory ,and his eleven hundred of Jewish workers,to occupied
Czechoslovakia. The names on his list were spared the death sentence of the twenty five thousand Jews in plaszow,Germany where the factory was previously located.
To accomplish purpose saving task,Schindler bribed and begged every one he could and this is Justified. And in the days prior to the liberation of Germany by the Allied forces, he spent every pennny he had,even selling his wife's jewels- to provide food , medicine and clothing for these group of people who he calls his children.what a sacrifice. He also persuaded the Gestapo to send him additional one hundred Belgian,Dutch,and Hungarian Jews ,claiming they were necessary for the production of ammunition and bombs for the German war movement.wisdom in display.
When the Allied forces was moved to Czechoslovakia in May 1945, Schindler was able to this people he calls his children free, compassionately admonishing them not to exact revenge on the Germans they would meet on their way back home. He said,prove yourself worthy of the millions of victims among you an refrain from any individual acts of revenge and terror . He never wanted to part ways with the Twelve hundred Jews,but he had to,though painful and tearful. He, a German had become one with the his Jew children.
Schindler sacrificially became a German outcast and died penniless in his mother's land.but he had a wish,that he should be buried among his children and that was honoured. He is the only member of the  Nazi party ever to be buried at the Catholic cemetery of on mount Zion in Jerusalem.
 Many wants to be in these purpose pursuits but wouldn't want to sacrifice for the fulfilment of their purpose. Quote me if I am wrong or right"sacrifice is what scare people from venturing into this journey of purpose. But the fact is sacrifice as among few factors that gives your purpose drive.remember when you withold,you loose, but if you let go,you receive bountifully. Just like Schindler,who discovered his purpose,and passionately and sacrificially drove it to fulfilment, gave him  an honour ordinarily he wouldn't of attain. Don't let it scare you,gather momentum and drive your goals sacrificially and the glorification is going to be lasting .


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