How do I walk the right path.

Mostly,I keep wondering why,people pursue after purpose (goals),are hit by various life excruciating situations.before any glory,comes series of beaten and bartered moment,that considering sucide makes the best sense and action.but they who know their God,shall be strong and do other words,such person shall stand with their heads uphigh proclaiming their victory over every goal's never easy at all,like a popular quotes that says and i quotes "it is easier said than done".everyone who is genuinely successful has great experiences during his or her successful journey to share.and your life becomes what many, somewhere will be looking up to .you will become a light paths, for many who are journeying through same path of life. I'm gonna end today's article on this note. Just know that people's destiny is connected to yours,if you fail or give up,then you have failed your world and the destinies as well.remember as for those who fain...